Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Arthur didn't like to leave the house on Friday evenings because both of his favorite TV programs were on simultaneously and he was reluctant to miss either one, but Raelynn forced him into his tux just this once because she was being honored with the "Belle of the Month" award through the Daughters of the Rural Southeast.
Best Man Herman had to remind Laurette that the agreed upon wife-swapping with bride Sue Ann and groom Roger wasn't supposed to begin until the newlyweds returned home from their honeymoon in Bermuda!
None of the children on the wooded tram excursion felt like listening when Mr. Samuel Peepers insisted that they keep their heads inside the car at all times, lest they be struck by a branch, even though he knew of whence he spoke from when he did it as a kid!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I don't know what I like better...Raelynn's dress?...the double-TV tower?...The Shining-Elevator-Red carpeting?...or the peacock art?

As for Laurette, I assume she had a funeral to attend later that afternoon.

Poseidon3 said...

Laurette's black bridesmaid dress is peculiar indeed, especially for back then. And, yes, that first pic is something else, isn't it?!