Thursday, September 22, 2016


Everyone, including Bryce the groom, was skeptical that Best Man Rico could plan and pull off a successful bachelor party, but this one was so successful and the two had such a great time that the wedding was called off altogether and they went one the two-week honeymoon to Maui and Oahu themselves!
And so it was that four years as a Remke Market bag boy had managed to build up Mario's muscles to the point that he entered the Greater Peoria branch of the Mr. Universe pageant, all those trips to Mrs. Silverstein's car with heavy bags of groceries finally paying off.
It wasn't until they had finally reached the ocean-side resort at Ft. Myers that Waunetta truly appreciated the fact that 5 twenty-four packs of 7 Up and a giant-size box of Cheer detergent had earned Des and her a free beach towel apiece!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Poor Mario! All that work only to have Hugh Jackman get the role of Wolverine.

Poseidon3 said...

And he couldn't even get a callback when they were casting the "Welcome Back Kotter" Sweathogs.....