Monday, March 23, 2015


After the third near-miss coming down the stairs, Fontaine began to wonder if borrowing her grandmother's hand-embroidered veil was a mistake after all. Or perhaps she was wearing it upside down...
It took eight different puffs to extinguish the six candles on Kellie's Holly Hobbie birthday cake (and seven wipes with a paper towel to remove the spittle from the back of Holly's icing bonnet!)
Marjorie couldn't figure out what was so fascinating for Jeff that he had to keep craning to look behind the sides of her hair during conversation, but when she came back from getting a blueberry ice at the Snack Shack and found nothing there but two sets of footprints leading to the men's locker room, she put two and two together...
The Hartwell boys had been ecstatically awaiting Christmas morning for weeks now and that still held true for Jason, Timmy and Mark, but not so much for Robby. He'd made the dreaded mistake of looking under his parents' bed and seeing the stacks of socks, underwear and button-down shirts that were in store for the fellas that morning...
As Therese and Manuel watched the bride and groom exchange their vows, Therese couldn't wait until it was her up there receiving all the love that Manuel had to offer while Manuel was thinking, "Man, this really bites... I need to stay single as long as possible!"
Felda wanted desperately to drift off for a nap, but every time she'd begin to nod off, she'd be startled by the aroma of Duane's infamous Christmas socks, which, as a habit, he wore every day from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I think my brothers and I owned some of that Hartwell clothing.

Poseidon3 said...
