Friday, October 10, 2014


Marie was thrilled that Kermit's attention to dental hygiene was so great that he brushed his teeth even during their speedboating excursion, but she would know next time to sit next to him, not behind him, if she wanted to avoid a face full of minty overflow...
Scruffy thought it was great that his owners installed brand new linoleum throughout the downstairs, but he hadn't realized that they would be so protective of it that he'd have to wear protective footies whenever inside the home.
Hugh and Opal bickered continuously over who their daughter Doris resembled the most, yet they always reached an impasse. So they decided to pose her for a photo and send a copy to each set of in-laws to see if anyone could come up with a conclusive decision as to which side her genes favored...
Prior to Melanie's latest blind date, Ray and Eileen stopped their bridge game with The Feddersons long enough to cheer her on and warn her not to order the most expensive thing on the menu yet again...
Sherry had been told by both her mother and her grandmother that beer worked wonders on hair, but she decided that rather than wash hers in it, she'd try it from the inside out and put down a six pack.
Both weeks apart and friends all through grade school and juvenile hall, Teddy and Neil knew each other's tastes like the back of their hand, so birthday exchanges were a breeze.

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