Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As it turned out July fourth was as long as Armando could wait to use the moss green icing he'd picked up at 50% off on Arbor Day at Remke's that April. 
Helena was still miffed about the bad block that Irene had given her during that day's field hockey match and decided to take it up with her back in the locker room.
One thing Bethel loved about staying at the Route 23 Doze 'n Goze Motor Lodge was that each morning a complimentary serving of coffee was delivered to each guest's door, complete with a patch of leftover tinfoil on top of the carafe to keep it good 'n hot!
Decades before anyone coined the term "going green," Marion thought she'd recycle Will's newspapers in to a party dress. The problem was, Will's friend Hugh kept looking under her hemline in order to "read the funny pages!"
Hillary was ready to call it a night and head off to bed, but Patrice wouldn't let her even think of the idea until she regaled the dinner guests with a spirited rendition of "Animal Crackers in my Soup."
Yes, Rona might have been courting trouble camping all by her lonesome out at Mount Hyman Forest and Blue Gill Reserve, but after all, she had her vicious guard dog Claw with her to ward off any unwanted attention.

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