Monday, October 27, 2014


Cliff rose at 4:30am in order to get to his favorite fishing hole at Glory Springs, but never did catch a single fish. Along about 9:15, he did hook himself a park ranger, though!
Cy and Meece came up with the hare-brained idea of fixing their basketball with Krazy Glue and then listening closely to hear if air was escaping. From this point on, their close friendship became even more solidified...
While Dianne deeply appreciated the wedding present that her maid of honor Georgia created especially for her and her new husband Henri, upon closer inspection, some of the pale blue numbers didn't get completely covered up, nor did the paint that came with the kit completely cover the entire span of the "canvas."
His potty training long behind him, Petey next decided to demonstrate to everyone in the household his brand new mastery of going number one in the "urinal!"
On their way to the park for a photo shoot to promote their latest folk album, The Quail Family asked Grandma to snap a quick Polaroid of them at home so that they could preview their hair and clothing.
Though he ultimately emerged from this with little permanent damage, this would indeed be the last time that Raymond would interfere with Clubber, the family's Great Dane, during supper time...

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