Friday, October 24, 2014


Volunteer targets at The Veering Arrow Archery Range had it made. Not only did they earn $12.50/hour, but not one of the customers in Myopia, Illinois was good enough with a bow to come anywhere close to them while they posed in formation.
Edna Lou stepped outside to check on her begonia and daffodil bed only to find that Scudder had decided to convert the entire area into a bed of his own!
And so everyone gathered to wish Wilhelmena good luck on her pending voyage back to the old country. For some of the gals, though, like Charmaine for example, the boat couldn't slip out of the harbor fast enough...
Santa had been so good to Gwen, bringing her the tap shoes she'd had her eye on for months, that she immediately donned them and hurled herself into a Cincinnati time step right there near the tree.  Unfortunately, one of her stray steps landed on her mother Eileen's delicate bottle of L'Air du Temps perfume, crushing it into gravel before she'd worn even one drop.
Rodney was so thrilled with the view, not only of the lake, but of all the curvy ladies on hand as well, that he thought he'd better make sure his enthusiasm wasn't showing too much...
And so as Grandpa Wally told the story once more of how Elise left her roller skates on the second from the top step of the basement stairs, Arnold found it hard to contain his disdain for the unrepentant little girl.

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