Thursday, June 6, 2013


Jocelyn was horrifyingly unaware that being one of the earliest pioneers of cheek implants and gel fillers did NOT achieve the desired effect and that her friends laughed at her predicament behind her back. 
Visiting Grandpa Running Bear was fun, even adventurous, for Sally, Millie and Bud, but Millie, far more than the other two, always seemed to be concerned about where exactly she might find a place to go to the bathroom.
After coming in fifth place at the Marin County Naval Base Talent Show for two years running, Gary and his friends practiced mercilessly their tableau of "Washington Crossing the Delaware" in the hopes that they'd win top prize of a six-day pass and $10 apiece.
Marilyn was getting extremely tired of having her freshly-baked cookies pilfered by Marvin, so while she was rolling her hair in the other room, she had Tuffy stand guard in the kitchen...
...and so the ecstasy continued at the Birch Bark County Fair and Cauliflower Expo, with Gertrude and William opting to take a second spin on the basket-go-round...
In hindsight, Wilma fretted endlessly that giving Agnes a butane cigarette lighter for a housewarming present might not have been one of her brightest ideas...
Though it meant countless surgeries and procedures, Eddie felt that in time he would truly one day resemble his boyhood idol, The Duke.  He was getting closer with each stroke of the scalpel and every skin peel.

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