Wednesday, June 12, 2013


It wasn't until the night after the ceremony that Gary found out the hard way that he didn't just marry Louise, he had also taken on Barney, for whom sharing was not a strong suit. 
Since infancy, Susan had waited for a young man to come along who would place her on a pedestal.  Now that one had, she was in danger of missing their first date because she couldn't get down to head to the car!
To be honest, Lola Mae had really seen enough of Albert's dry oil rig and was more than ready to head back to the farmhouse for some lemonade and Ritz crackers with Jif peanut butter.
After a heated competition, Angela Plackard and Kenny Gumm were elected Mister and Miss Dental Hygiene at the Crestwood Secondary School in Colgate, Wisconsin.
Mere hours after the votes were tallied, the new City Council of Breakwater Flats was assembled for a photo.  Clockwise from the top left:  Sid Guthrie - Deputy Mayor, Carter Clemens - Treasurer, Art Haines - Secretary and Farfel Guthrie - Mayor Elect.
Murphy found it almost impossible to enjoy his nap whenever Jonny Lee decided to join in after a long day at the Winston County Tobacco Outlet.
The further he walked and the more desolate the terrain became, the more Terry started to wonder if his buddies at Beechwood Acres campground hadn't deliberately steered him in the wrong direction for the communal shower room.

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