Thursday, December 12, 2019


At first Clara thought it was a thrill to be dating someone in the automobile industry, but after the third time he had her posing for prospective hood ornaments of upcoming Chevrolet models (without benefit of pay!), she'd pretty much had it...
And so once again it happened. Sherry, despite wearing her new fuchsia silk party dress, had wound up losing yet another wedding date on the dance floor to her exuberant Aunt Phyllis.
After generations of male pattern baldness in the family, Alberta decided to put little Theo on Vitamin E supplements and stay ahead of the curve. The results were astounding!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

As a teenager and young adult in the 80s, I remember saying at the time that the 80s wouldn't have a look that you would be able to easily recognize. How wrong I was!!!

Poseidon3 said...

I'm a child of the '80s, too... and probably would have found these folks divine at the time. Now... not so much!! LOL

BrianB said...

As manager of a gift/home furnishings store in a small town in upstate New York, I can tell you how all these pictures relate to a nightmare Christmas moment.

Pic #1: "I bought this hood ornament as an early Christmas gift back in July, but it's too big. Can I exchange it for something smaller?"

Pic # 2: Every. Christmas. Employee. Party.

Pic # 3: "I wanted Tressy, the Doll with the Hair that Grows, but your stupid sales clerk sold me the Tressy wig that grows with you. Do you think my daughter has any idea what being a 32 month old teenager actually means?"

"I don't CARE if she likes it!!!"

Luckily I worked at Nordstrom back in the 80-90's so I know how to handle these kind of issues!

Happy Holidays, Poseidon!


Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha!! I'm glad/sad that these pics could dredge up such vivid memories for you. Happy holidays to you, too!