Thursday, October 24, 2019


Helena like Arizona just fine except that the sun really bled all the color out of her red hair, so when no one was around she utilized some protection against the harsh rays...
Andy and George always looked forward to Beach Day with their company Munsingwear, but they found the picnic tables so hard to sit on. Fortunately, Jason didn't mind it at all when they used him instead!
For their 30th reunion at Brentwood High School, it became very clear who had fallen to a life of crime, who'd had a little too much work done and who'd become a rather loose woman...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Poor, Jason! I heard he caught a nasty case of ants that summer.

Poseidon3 said...

That ain't all.....!

BrianB said...

"who'd become a rather loose woman". With a penis! Lets face it, that Lady Spiedel wrist watch is struggling against all hope against that manly wrist!


Shawny said...

The loose “woman” having recently seen Blood Feast, had prepared an Egyptian feast for “her” guests...

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha! "Spiedel watch!" Well, maybe she did go to Sweden for a sex change along the way... My biggest worry was the ears!! Like a sugar bowl....