Tuesday, October 29, 2019


After the meeting took place, Chet began to wonder if he had misheard his neighbor Lawrence when he asked him to come over one afternoon and compare "duck" size...
Day one of sitting alone with his son Tad, Bryan had had his shirt spat-up on, his pants riddled with stewed carrots and now he felt the unhappy sensation of an overloaded diaper oozing onto his shorts!
Marjorie looked forward each month to her latest issue of Cat Fancy magazine, but so did Serena, so they always had to cuddle up and browse through it together...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Tad's obviously onto something here. I mean, if that's all it takes to get men out of their clothes, I might have to try this spitting-up-knock-a-bowl-of-carrots-over strategy.

Poseidon3 said...

Right..?? Red wine also is good, but don't ask me how I know that!

Shawny said...

I think Tad didn’t realize until too late he was supposed to bring a duck to the meeting...