Tuesday, May 1, 2018


It was so hot that day at Mantigo Beach that Griff was desperate for a cold drink. Yet he didn't want to walk to the concession stand across the hot sand, so he strong-armed Jason into giving him a piggyback ride over there...
Madelyn had already dated Byron and Cliff and was now with Reggie, but couldn't quite keep her eyes off of Stan. It wouldn't be long until she had to move on from the water polo team to the basketball squad!
The famed Tumbling Traventas always practiced their act on the soft sands of Testica Beach but, despite their typical level of care, somehow Jacques - as the anchor- always wound up getting the worst of it all!
Bonus Pic! Jacques always insisted on his revenge, though, so he orchestrated some new gymnastic techniques on Rory.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Pass me the smellin' salts, would ya, hon! I'm feelin' a tad faint right now.

Poseidon3 said...

Hee hee! I told ya they were comin'!