Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Georgia and Rod truly loved their new boat, but sometimes it was hard to fit both of them (and Rod's "equipment") up the small stairway and onto the deck at the same time!
Zohra couldn't believe how dull The Hensons' party was, so she decided to down several Coors Lights in quick succession and make her own fun!
The Riverdale Bluebirds had never been known for their incredible basketball acumen, so Terry's mother made them all matching, initialed warm up shirts so that they could at least intimidate their opponents a bit on that front before the game even started...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I think Rod might be packing a rod...or, at least, one of Zohra's beer cans.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha! Good one....