Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On one too many occasions during their stay in The Blue Ridge Mountains, Marty had been told "what a pretty daughter" he had whenever anyone looked at his son Robbie, so he decided to give him an impromptu haircut back at the campsite that was closer to his own!
While it couldn't be said that the entire weekend was a washout, Captain Stricker had to admit that since the last time he'd docked in New London, the adventuresomeness and skill levels of the prostitutes had gone down a bit.
Touring Pang-Shin was fun and all, but after his fourteenth pagoda, Abe was wheezing and having trouble staying upright. He soon declared he was ready to head back to the hotel for a communal bath and some saki...


Anonymous said...

WOW! I am speechless...!

Poseidon3 said...

Gather yourself and tell me! LOL (Did you also see the bonus pics from the day before?) ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes I did! I am going to the swimming pool more often!