Friday, April 3, 2015


Happy moments of celebration following the hostage crisis in which Todd, Betsy, Emmaline and Carol were held against their will in the treehouse until Rodney came to the rescue, the only casualty in the end being a scratch on one of Rodney's glasses lens...
Gregg couldn't figure out why he wasn't able to get comfortable during this episode of "The Rockford Files" as he fidgeted back and forth, wondering why the throw pillow was so bony and lacking in stuffing. Then he realized he'd been leaning on Jonathan the entire time!
Alan thought he could discreetly slip into the kitchen for a few quick slices of deli ham, since he was seriously hating the cold tuna consomme that Annette had thrown together for supper, but as usual he was caught in the act!
Everyone was sure to invite Bud Miller to their parties because he invariably brought along a twelve-pack of beer, but after months of parties and with him having to tote the beer there on foot thanks to his invalid driver's license, he was beginning to show permanent effects from this practice...
They told Roxanne that there was no better place on earth to hook herself a man than the beach at Fort Lauderdale, but, as was often the case, she took people a bit too literally.
Initially, Cindy was ecstatic to receive her Pee Wee Herman doll for Christmas and would set him up on dates with her other toys, but once too often, she came into the room to find adult movies playing on the TV and Pee Wee's pants undone, so he ultimately had to be returned to Children's Palace!

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