Wednesday, April 22, 2015


During The Fedderson's first encounter with Sasquatch, only Sebastian was brave enough to slink forward and attempt to make contact. Negotiations failed, however, when the temptation to raise his hind leg and relieve himself on the beast became too great to resist!
Although it was clear that Raymond was more than proud of his home decor, once Marvin, the photographer from House Adequate, arrived on the scene, it was clear that a few changes were going to have to be made...
Viola's mother raised her with one serious piece of advice, "Always keep your man happy in the kitchen!" Viola never did learn to cook, so she had to come up with other ways to spread happiness for Bud in that centerpiece of the home.
The last time Midge ran the electric mixer on high, she wound up with little flecks of mashed potato in her hair. Since this would never do with Kermit due over for dinner in just ten minutes, she came up with an ingenious stop-gap solution for little snafus such as this!
Both Bithia and Arleen agreed that swim caps were necessary for protecting their coiffures during mid-afternoon swims.  Yet by the time their fourth cosmopolitans made their way down their gullets, such niceties began to seem less important to them...
Along about mid-Egypt on Christmas Eve, Rudolph could no longer take the heat, so Santa had to give him a rest and cover part of the route with the aid of Chester the Brown-Nosed Camel.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Bithia and Arleen certainly know how to have a good time.

As for their baby-sitting responsibilities..."we'll just stick little-what's-her-name in a flotation device and let her fend for herself."

I certainly hope little-what's-her-name got out of the pool OK.

Poseidon3 said...

You don't think Bud & Viola know how to have a good time, too? Ha ha!