Friday, July 18, 2014


Bertram and Hildegarde (and daughter Nan) loved to dine at The Matterhorn outdoor cafe, but knew from prior experience how bland the dishes could sometimes be, so they packed and brought their own salt and pepper...
Francois enjoyed the lap of luxury at his home with The Skinningtons, but could tell by the fate of Rex the bobcat that it didn't pay to cross the line when it came to their rules.
All was joyful at Camp Van Cleef until Captain Winston, a local pearl harvester, thought he spotted "three big ones that had escaped their shells" and cast his net out to grab them before anyone else could!
Nora Piddlebox liked to make things festive, but also didn't believe in spoiling her daughter Sara, so she made certain that the birthday cake was not the largest thing on the table...
Travis tentatively posed, this time standing on the bench, for a second photo with Streamy the Clown because the first attempt had involved being squirted square in the face by water from one of Streamy's daisy-shaped buttons!
Though they were desperate not to let anyone in on the fact that they felt something was terribly wrong, Carol Sue and Jack nonetheless had to contort themselves in trying to fully take in and comprehend Veronica's new hairdo as she arrived for Parcheesi Night.

1 comment:

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I look at Jack and all I can think of is Brigitta, Marta, and Gretl popping out to say "cuckoo!"