Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Coralee was stunned when she heard the lifeguard holler, "Get your ass off this beach!" to Donald until she turned around and saw exactly what he meant...
After witnessing the way Mitzi handled the mast during preparations for their sailing jaunt, Teddy had a feeling he was going to be in for a very pleasurable cruise...
Clara Sue and Melanie were so proud of their school basketball team, The Aardvarks, for making it to State that they decided to surprise them the moment they came off the court and into the locker room!
This is something we've tried to keep from both Superman and Batman, but in the mid-'70s, Wonder Woman was briefly involved in a secret romance with Spider-Man, as this snapshot from the Marvel Manor Motor Lodge reveals.
So long as Clarence was going to continue with his spells, Florrie had to continue to take his plate down to his room in the cellar where he'd remain until he could eat again without throwing things.
As the noise level increased to a fever pitch, Cleatus remembered the long-gone good old days when a photo shoot of "the kids" consisted of only himself lounging by the fireplace.

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