Friday, September 6, 2024


While sorting all the shawls she'd crocheted for Christmas gifts that year, Charmain swore that there'd been a sky blue one, too, but couldn't locate it until vacuumed next to where the tree had been on January 2nd. 

Hedy had been encouraged to take the healing waters down at Lake Sparrowhead, but her innate shyness prevented her from engaging with any of the other visitors, including Helmut, who had demonstrated interest...!

Grandma Eleanor had long since put away her tap shoes, but was delighted when little Greg expressed interest in learning a few of her old combinations.

Even at this early age, future Derby champions, the Coughlins, were fascinated by life in the saddle and after scooting their way to victory (first one to the garage wins!), they'd follow up with a relaxing dip in the pool!

Gladys had an hour and a half before the annual peach cobbler competition down at the Knights of Paducah banquet hall, so she decided to take some sun before undoing her curlers.

Terry was satisfied with this first effort at cake-baking and had insisted on having all the candles for mom Susan's birthday. Susan did manage to retain 3/4s of her eyebrows after attempting to blow them out, too.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Theatregoers at the Chamberpot Players production of "Arsenic and Old Lace" could only look on in astonishment as Evadine Hadley went off book and decided she couldn't kill this one, preferring to keep him around as a dance partner!

Arnetta waited and waited for her blind date to show up at Rango's Red Barn, but Howard looked on from a distance, unsure if he could handle everything she had to offer...

What with the 97 degree heatwave, Arlen decided that fur-covered Bingo needed a turn in the pool lounger more than he did and happily gave up his favorite spot for the afternoon.

While dinner with the family had been a hoot, Evelyn was in no mood to face all the dishes until Renee offered up some liquid courage, which managed to lighten the mood and get her started on them.

As co-founder of The Russellville Players, Rosco Tucker wore many hats and felt it completely within his rights to change the script of their next extravaganza from "Auntie Mame" to "Uncle Dane," with him in the starring role.

Ten years after disbanding, Vic and the Vermins finally were able to get together for a reunion, with all prior interpersonal issues now abandoned.


Friday, January 19, 2024


Everyone he knew warned Garry about staying away from the shitty neighborhoods he might come upon during his vacation, but he nonetheless kept taking his chances...

And it was just then, as the land surveyors set up across from his corral, that Eldon wished he'd gone ahead and installed a door on his outhouse.

No one in his right mind ever missed out on Joey's Whisky & Wiener Wednesday get-togethers and August 14th was no exception.

And so Lisa Jan went home and began plotting her revenge against Mrs. Spangler for daring to give her a D+ for her essay on Massachusetts history.

Terrified of getting grass stains on her new white slip-ons, Marlene called up on Steve to transport her from the side door to the car just before the Elder-Beerman Afternoon Tea and Fashion Show.

Razi wasn't told until the morning of the picnic that there'd be swimming, so he had to swiftly borrow his wife's mini-skirt or face skinny-dipping with his coworkers.

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Harwood Meighan really didn't appreciate having to put on his full dress uniform every morning simply to have coffee and cereal, but his wife Marcia had very definite ideas of how she wanted things to look and be around the house...

That last wave really sent Heinrich for a tumble and he hoped he could get his act together before the tide really began to roll in!

Edwina enjoyed weekends with the grandkids immensely, but somehow hide & go seek simply wasn't her game...

LaVelle induced her children to sit for various hairstylings and color treatments as she awaited passing her boards. While Kerri didn't seem to mind them, Jeremy resented having to grow his hair out and never seemed to like what his mom did to it...

And so, with a little further encouragement, Glenn was finally persuaded by Dusty to stop trying to repeatedly play "Everybody's Talkin' at Me" on his guitar!

Patrons flocked to The Teal Ostrich when they heard that resident DJ Terrence had gotten some new vinyl, but were sadly disappointed when they discovered he was wearing it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

Vic and Tangie had such fun at the 23rd Annual Elks New Year Dance until their polyester clothing rubbed up against the felt on the wallpaper and caused a static spark!

Things did get just a skosh out of control at The Weinberg's New Year's Eve Bash once Terry from apartment 5-G dropped in...

Singer Randolph McCrea cut a deal with country station KXLA that he'd offer one kiss for every digit of the year that were ringing out (1963) at their shindig, but ultimately only 17 female fans came to the event.

Mama Zamboni was so proud of her six grown-up chickens and was especially thrilled that Vince headlined the American Legion NY extravaganza.

Cynthia Anne knew where Eddie's and Roger's hands were, so it had to have been her nephew Teddy who gave her such a New Year's goose!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

Clayton did receive some side-eye following his prayer after announcing that he hoped God would make this year's turkey moister and less tough than last year's...

And so this was the last time that Jessica opted to have her boyfriend Randall (a professional marionette puppeteer) dress the holiday turkey...

Mamaw Markham would love to have been able to sit with the family for Thanksgiving dinner, but thanks to the big ball game, everyone else decided that the 14" TV would be more welcome.

Now Elmo just had to wait for his usual "Friday Night" poker buddies to come over and dig in to the holiday dinner he'd put together...

Unorthodox as it may have seemed, the rest of the family enjoyed the cross-hatch method of turkey carving, which made it easier to use leftovers in soups, casseroles and anything else that called for shredded meat!

Exhausted from all the holiday preparation, Edna Sue and Virgil simply collapsed. Unfortunately, the pecan pie was still in the oven and they didn't awaken to check on it until the smoke caught their attention!


Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween - 2022!

Ever since Labor Day, Arch had been intending to drop about 25 lbs for Halloween, but with the start of football season tailgating and the opening of a Burger Chef only two streets away from his house, he fell a little short of his goal...

Ogg really thought he had a shot a being elected governor, but unfortunately too many people found his point of view extremely primitive.

Cheryl & Jennifer had looked so forward to rooming together during their first year at Harrisburg, but were horrified to find that the allotted time each morning prior to classes didn't allow for proper grooming and styling!

Bullet couldn't stand the gunfire any longer and finally clamped down on where he thought the ruckus was coming from, but he'd gotten a-hold of the wrong "gun!"

Petey just adored Clea and felt like their first date went amazingly well but, much to his surprise, she soon ghosted him...

Sick to death of five losing seasons in a row for the Phillipstown Banshees, Ramona finally took matters into her own hands and founded a cheering squad. It is now up to eight losing seasons in a row.

Friday, October 7, 2022


Dr. Schoch had a willing participant for his various experimental devices in his wife Mary Agnes, such as for this short-lived hairdryer, which promised a lovely wash & set only minutes after a vigorous swim.

Tensions ran high during the Nightwear Parade segment of the annual Dole County Elks Lodge Pageant, though, as usual, police chief Bernie Stigowicz had a leg up on the competition...

Mrs. Hefti discovered she could save on the cost of a daily school bus pickup by placing little Ronnie outside for the garbage men, since their truck passed right by Cinch Elementary at about 7:50am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Marlene was more than thrilled with her Bicentennial bathroom makeover and couldn't stop taking snapshots of it day and night, even when husband Chuck was attempting to get ready for work!

An unexpected perk of Clayton's recent CPR training was getting to keep Chris, the mannequin, which made for far less lonely afternoons by the pool.

Medical advancements in cosmetic surgery hadn't made their way to Bedrock yet, thus Angie's new implants made quite an impression on Betty & Wilma...!



Deli owner Arch Goldstein was 3rd, shoe salesman Teddy Kenner was runner-up and, as predicted, Chief Stigowicz won top honors, though many secretly debated the decision.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Fourth Funnies! 7/4/22

So what if it took two months of his paper route stipend to amass his fireworks collection? Randall was going to annoy all the neighbors at any cost!

So Benji was suddenly alerted to the fact that Mr. O'Hallorhan did not appreciate stink bombs being lit under his back porch.

And it was then that the Gimbals understood the importance of wearing clothing NOT made of Dacron on Independence Day....

Everyone commented on Jacob's sense of patriotism with his prominent bandage, but the fact was he'd initially intended to lead the parade on his unicycle... up until the prior night's rehearsal!

Enid had been so elated to be voted Miss Fourth of July Firecracker by her friends on the block and handed a cherished position in the parade, but expectations far exceeded the reality of the situation.