Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Private Ross was down to his last pair of dungarees and knew he'd better sew up the hole he'd worn in the crotch of them. Unfortunately for him, in his haste to repair them while they were still on, he managed to attached a little bit of himself to the fabric!!
Visalia was proud to pass along various tidbits of advice to her daughter Ramona and granddaughter Elena, though the one they took to heart the most, with increasing success upon each generation, was how to add volume to one's hair.
The long-awaited reunion between Pie and his old jockey Velvet Brown was touching and nostalgic, though what really brought a tear to Velvet's eye was noticing that his current trailer had the name of a prominent glue manufacturer on its side...!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Hard to tell by just one picture, but Ramona looks like a really nice, sympathetic person, someone you'd like to spend time with...

...her mother, on the other hand, looks a bit like a booze-hound.

Poseidon3 said...

Visalia may have coped/self-medicated with alcohol over one thing or another, poor dear.