Monday, July 27, 2015


It had been a great day of fun and games at the beach, but Alphonso knew that if he truly planned to win at hide and seek against Ramon, he was probably going to have to ditch the trunks.
Everyone screamed and flailed their arms in warning at Henrietta, but she merely smiled and waved back, never realizing that Nosferatu the vampire was waiting behind her in the shadows until she receded from the sunlight...
One of the very first sittings from Andrea Therese Family Portraits and proof that not all the kinks had yet been completely worked out at the time of the famed photographer's incorporation as a self-created businesswoman...
Leroy had no intention of letting the ladies win the annual Battle of the Sexes pool tournament at Claude and Norma's beach retreat, so he used his pool cue to throw Sue Jan off during this key play of the three-game match!
Having to give up her seat on the couch to Charlemagne was bad enough in itself, but what really burnt Harva's butter was that using the chair meant she wasn't able to see the TV clearly around Otis's head and this was supposed to be a really good episode of "Texaco Star Theatre."
In those bygone days before drive-thrus, Leora had to sit in the hot backseat and pray that Lee Ann would remember that she didn't want any onions on her Big Mac or that she preferred the Bicentennial blueberry shake over strawberry, which Lee Ann usually brought back in error...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Before I even read your blurb about Henrietta, my first reaction was "What the hell is that in the background behind her?" Needless to say, we're on the same page where this photo is concerned...there's evil in that there house!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Henrietta, that photo is creepy and fascinating.
And if Alphonso ditches his trunks, I'll personally give him his prize.

Poseidon3 said...

LOL! And Henrietta was having such fun out the window before heading back to certain doom.... Armando, I had a feeling you would like Alphonso! You need to go back a bit and find "Ray" though perhaps he isn't your type. He was definitely mine and Knuckles'!! You'll find him sunbathing god-like in some white trunks...