Monday, May 4, 2015


Marge Saddleblock, choreographer for the Oakland Raiderettes, always took home movie footage of the gals' moves during home games and then showed them in her den a few days later after developing. This way, Cherise, Tangie, Monica, Debbi and Shaunda could be certain they were moving in sync by the time the anticipated 1976 Super Bowl rolled around...
Penelope was disappointed that she didn't get to sit in the hanging basket chair during her visit to daughter Janet's party for the season premiere of Donny & Marie, but Mort had already called dibs on in from the car before they'd even come close to setting foot in the place!
Melissa got far more than she bargained for when she sat next to Aunt Louise at the Crochet & Sidecar Mixer because Louise felt compelled to give the young newlywed some unsolicited advice:  "Be a maid in the living room, a chef in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom!"
It pleased Addie to no end that the turtleneck(s) sweater she'd made for her Siamese twin sisters Wanda and Wendra fit like a glove because, after all, there was no way to return it if it didn't!
Verniece had already told Sal that Mr. Cheatham wasn't back in the office yet and that he'd have to wait on the front stoop until his return, but the mercury was rising with each passing minute on this July day and Sal was craving a little air conditioning!
Shirley and Nan loved showing off their "authentic" Cheongsam housecoats, but it really miffed Shirley to no end whenever Nan would reveal that they actually came from the 45% off table in the basement of F.W. Woolworth...

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