Friday, May 15, 2015


It wasn't until Randall suddenly sacked out on the sofa in mid-sentence, following three helpings of her cherries jubilee, that Melody realized she'd neglected to light the celebrated dessert on fire in order to burn off the alcohol!
Myrna had to skip her last class every day at Seedy Pine High School in order to make it up to the lumber camp in time for the woodworker's dinner break, but the trek was always worth it, for she was quite the attention-getter amongst the female-starved men.
Marilyn loved her weekend visit with Grandpa Clem until bedtime when the nearsighted old coot put her Shirley Temple doll into the twin bed and crammed her into the box the doll had come in, shutting the lid and all!
Edna and Clyde Sternly were more than happy to pay for their daughter Trish's wedding and sit-down dinner reception, but nevertheless felt the need to stand guard against any unwanted, uninvited townspeople who might creep in the back of the church and scarf down one of the $5.38 meals they'd paid for!
Reggie had been instructed by the foreman at The Double-B Ranch to head out to the barn and clear out all the trash, but Sue Ann was surprised at how literally Reggie interpreted those instructions!
Having spent her day of shore leave in Acapulco shopping like a madwoman, Charlotte couldn't wait to get back to the cocktail reception in the Lido Lounge and show Clinton and the others her native-made fertility artifacts.

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