Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving!

On a Thanksgiving Day when already nothing whatsoever went according to plan, Opal watched in horror as Howard grabbed the turkey leg that didn't have the cyanide in it, meaning she'd have to do some quick thinking between now and dessert time...
No one was sad to see Velma Jo go when she left the family to run off with a shoe salesman, but Aunt Eloise took it particularly badly and proceeded to eliminate her from all family photographs.
As the kids pulled into the driveway, Mrs. Reynolds took one last look at the holiday table and wondered a) if the champagne was going to be cold enough and b) if it was appropriate to bring the turkey to the table with all the foil still around it.
As Gary and Chip prepared for their annual "Friendsgiving," Gary hoped that the male stripper dressed as a pilgrim would be able to find their house on such a wooded street.
Everyone was so involved in the "Friendsgiving" festivities at Chip and Gary's house that no one remembered to keep Todd away from the sour cream & onion dip, which he was prone to play tricks with!
Karen was so controlling in every way that she wouldn't allow Bryan to carve the turkey alone and insisted on guiding him through each and every slice until most of the rest of the dinner was cold!


BrianB said...

Now that the party has started at Chip and Gary's I see all the guys are gathering under the Friendsgiving Testicles in the dining room, waiting for their traditional kiss!


Poseidon3 said...

Remember... I get the wishbone! :-D