Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Cliffy wasn't content to merely be a daredevil tricyclist. He also insisted on total color coordination when it came to his riding gear, which is why his birthday request was for a blue and purple, "pleather," one-piece, zip-up jumpsuit...
Cindy Ann adored her new holiday coat, hat and gloves ensemble so much that she declined to take any part of it off during the family feast. It really only became a problem when she attempted to finish off a turkey wing with her hands and wound up mussing her angora-clad fingertips.
Jennifer's miniature friend Dustin never let his size stand in the way of a sterling athletic career. The only difference between him and other divers was that he could take off into the pool from the top of her head, rather than the diving board and no one was ever hurt!
Renaldo loved to squirrel hunt in the bright of day, but sunglasses interfered with his predatory vision, so he often resorted to a jaunty hat that shaded some of the rays from his delicate peepers...
Whenever any sort of guest was invited to The Winstons' annual get-together for Thanksgiving, they never seemed to grasp the fact, until actually sitting down to dinner, that Aunt Betty's specialty was in fact "ashed potatoes," not mashed potatoes.
No one at Amalgamated Machines, Inc. was more polite, bubbly or efficient than Ethel. The little-known reason for this was that behind her wall mirror was a medicine cabinet stocked tight with tiny little airline-size bottles of vodka, gin and the occasional tequila...

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