Thursday, June 27, 2019


It turned out to be a joyous occasion when The Marcums could schedule a family reunion, though it also meant that the Sugartit, Kentucky Circle K was closed down for six hours with no one left to work there that day.
And then suddenly Brenda noticed the blank space on the wall and realized that the 8x10 of her in her 4th grade dance recital costume was mysteriously missing from the rest of the display...
It was quite a shock when the portrait of Myrna and Gerald Bludgeon suddenly fell from the wall and hit their descendants, though only Vickie was in any way hurt. Margie and Mona had added protection from their hairdos.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I guess it's safe to say that Brenda has never played Tetris.

Poseidon3 said...

She probably left off with those little square puzzles with one tile missing that you move all around trying to form a picture. LOL