Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Bill realized too late that he'd make a big mistake with the Wynn sisters. He'd picked Trixie instead of Dixie, though he did occasionally try to make it clear to Dixie that he was open to change if she was agreeable...
While the museum was taking time to repair and restore their marble statue of Mercury, the wing-footed Greek god, some of the staff took turns filling in; a particular favorite being Gerri thanks to her flexibility and stamina.
Bruce and Violet made a pact after this first time that they would come to Les Rides on every anniversary and pose just this way on the stairs year after year, a decision that Vi regretted around their 8th when the angle began to exaggerate her new double chin.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

My grandmother had a sofa pattern very similar to Bruce's jacket.

As for Trixie and Dixie, I'm a little perturbed by the assortment of creepy crawlies above their heads. I'm assuming it's supposed to be some sort of leaf motif...but it's striking me more as a bunch of loose beetles and giant ants ready to land atop their freshly French-Formula-ed coiffures. Mayhem, I fear, is about to ensue.

Poseidon3 said...

It's the tackiest "vine" accent on earth! I cropped out much of it, but deliberately left some in so that the horrible taste could still be documented. LOL