Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Having been invited to what she thought would be a wonderful afternoon party, Evangeline was stunned to find that The Kublicks were in fact die-hard minimalists. So she took the only chair in their living room and watched everyone else scramble for the small plate of canapés and Dixie cups of lemonade.
It was so windy on Mt. Hood that Arch began to become slightly aroused, but Bernie didn't want it to show in their snapshots they were sending back home during their vacation tour!
Angie had no idea what she was in for when she agreed to sit with little Lucifer while his parents John & Mia headed out for an evening on the town.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Huh??? What??? Arch was aroused by the wind???

I might have to rethink this whole Margaret Mitchell thing.

Poseidon3 said...

Friction...! LOL Waffling polyester against the flesh can arouse the dragon in some middle aged men. Ha ha!