Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Theo was forever complaining to Elvira that she ought to cut her hair to a more flattering length, but she rightly thought that before he came complaining to her about her own styling, he ought to get rid of the mop he had on his own head!
Lee was thrilled that the old "Benedryl in the beer" trick had worked on Clint on the very first try, but his next hurdle was hoping that Clint's date Doreen would remain engaged in conversation with the other people hanging out at Gacy's Cafe.
And so, after this tumultuous first date, which ended with plenty of scratching, clawing and torn clothing, Rhea and Claudette had to give up on their dream of mating Harvey and Clementine...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I suspect that while Lee was busy putting Benedryl into other people's beer bottles, Theo and Elvira were just putting cigarette butts into their own.

Poseidon3 said...

They need to be careful, though. There's plenty of flammable man-made material around their heads (and elsewhere on Elvira!)