Monday, October 14, 2013


Richard and Gloria proved what everyone had known all along... There is simply nothing ever good on TV anymore!
Trip finally did what he'd been threatening to do for years: abandon his Wall Street job and live off the grid.  The only real complaint came from Daisy who preferred canned dog food to foraging, but one could argue that Peggy the pony had it far worse.
Contrary to what everyone else had feared, the age difference between Foster and Brooke caused nary a problem.  It was when he started drinking each evening that things began to come unglued...
The unsuccessful forerunner to the Huggie, the Chuggie, which was unable to catch on thanks to mothers everywhere having to drag two or three kids behind her to the kitchen every time she wanted to fetch a glass of water (or scotch...)
Though Captain Ahab was predominantly depicted as a craggy old man, he was, in truth, merely prematurely gray and had a surprisingly youthful face considering the punishment it took from years of the sun and sea.
None of the members of the Little Cherry Blossom Dance Troupe was as observant as Cynthia, who spotted the hard-to-find Easter Bunny long before her cohorts could.

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