Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Darleen's baby shower was just getting underway and already Missy, Rhonda and Carmela were becoming bored with the opening of presents. Darleen's little brother Timmy did take an unexpected interest in it all, however...
Ariel's baby shower was splendid, but she couldn't help hoping that none of the attendees realized that she still wasn't sporting an engagement ring. She hoped to get Garrett to spirit her off to Gatlinburg in a week or so to make it all legal...
Denise's birthday party was full of spirited fun, but she had to force a smile for this gift, knowing before she even opened it by the shape of the box that it was unlikely to contain one of her favorite things: another paint by numbers kit.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

It's nice to know that Salvador Dali took time out of his busy schedule to whip up a decorative stork for Ariel's shower.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! (This was supposed to be a sort of "April Showers" thing, but #3 ended up seeming more like a birthday. Nothng ever works out for me...)