Thursday, December 28, 2017


Beverleen had attracted so much attention in her new Odell original with dyed Ostrich feathers that she didn't make it back to her dinner table at the Neapolitan Supper Club, so Cliff had to get up and find out whether she'd made it out of the ladies room or not!
Ronelle knew that it had been seven long years since she last saw Jerold and wanted to recreate the same hairstyle she knew he'd remember her having (even if several other things had changed considerably in that time and couldn't be adjusted!)
The Holdgren children all dearly loved playing in the backyard, usually with the sprinkler and a kiddie pool, but Erik was denied the opportunity to change into shorts or a swimsuit because he had been discovered feeding his brussel sprouts and lima beans to the family dog. So he had to sweat it out in street clothes for one entire week as punishment.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

She can curl, tease and spray all she wants, but Ronelle is never going to capture Beverleen's look.

Poseidon3 said...

I'm sure Beverleen has some "help" to get her all gussied up while Ronelle has to fend for herself in her one-bedroom flat... :-)