Thursday, March 30, 2017


For the next shower game, involving a necklace made of baby cups, Myrna had to keep expanding the length of it until she could be certain it could make its way over Sally Ann's hair!
It was a real banner day for Flossie. Not only did her friends throw her the most splendid bridal shower for her upcoming nuptials to Woodrow, but it was also the day that her first Social Security benefits check came in the mail!
Felice was a bit nervous about the strength and support capabilities of the sexy lingerie she received during her bachelorette party, especially since Tamara had purchased it before Felice's recent breast augmentation...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

When I initially saw the picture of the first shower, I thought, "What are those IV drips doing there?"

Then, I realized it was a lamp!

Poseidon3 said...

The only thing they'd have put in that drip is lime daiquiris! :-D

BrianB said...

The third most exciting thing that happened for Flossie on her wedding day was the anticipation of the fight that was about to break out between her rival friends Clara and Almira when they discovered that each had brought the same identically wrapped gift!


Poseidon3 said...

Judging from the hideous birds on the shelf, Flossie likes things in twos sometimes...! Ha ha!