Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Having left Tiddlebrook years ago to attempt success in the record biz, it was always a little awkward for Phil to come home for the holidays and settle into the small town routine again. But thankfully, Aunt Nita still made one killer Screwdriver...
Not only was the torque so great that it pulled Angelique right out of her water skis, but for some reason the speedboat driver kept turning around to look at her instead of the water in front of him and eventually he ran aground!
A.J.'s toy steering wheel gave his sister Meredith ample training at being a backseat driver, which would come in handy later in life. This early experience made her an authority on failure to use a turn signal, irregular parallel parking, horn overuse and, most definitely, falling asleep at the wheel!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I think Phil's look is what's known as Mobster Casual...or is it Disco Chic? I always get the two mixed up.

Poseidon3 said...

I kinda like Mobster Casual for Phil. Cuff links like that don't come without a price...!