Thursday, October 13, 2016


Although the guards were friendly enough and the place surprisingly clean, grub was lousy down at City Jail. Fortunately for Raymond, Heywood and Bobo, they'd managed to smuggle in a couple of bottles of whisky and were able to mix up a few comforting cocktails.
Because her papa had heart disease and her grandma suffered from "sugar," Jacquee began a dedication to the art of healing that resulted in her obtaining a nursing degree at the tender age of nine!
Byron and Roger had a swell afternoon at the beach planned for their dates Dolores and Marge, but when they inadvertently mixed up whose glass was who's, all four of them ended up passed out (and suffering from some severe sunburn later that night!)


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I see Jacquee and I have similar techniques when it comes to icing cakes.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha!! Unfortunately, her penmanship with iced greetings is unhappily close to that you see on doctors' handwritten prescriptions!