Friday, June 20, 2014


Franklin decided to take a shortcut home from the park, but wound up unable to work up any traction in the sand, thereby missing dinner by forty-five minutes!
Each year, renowned magician The Amazing Count Cuttzoff held a reunion for all his former assistants and strove to make them as comfortable as he could along the top of his comfy sofa...
Howard had behaved so badly at Cyprus Gardens that Velma decided not to let him eat with her and The Gulletsons, so she chained him outside the restaurant where only Spunky could keep him company until the doggie bags arrived.
Between all the candles burning, the heavy foliage and the heat-retaining hats, the sanctuary became piping hot until each of Paige's bridemaids became ever grateful for not only the tea-length, asymmetrical dresses, but also the useful, flower-strewn fans!
With three-fourths of her children now fully grown and out of the "house," Mrs. McCann started giving tours of her unusual abode in exchange for a small admission fee.
Biff was forever trying to needle Julie into changing the TV channels with the remote control and yet every time she forgot that such devices hadn't even been invented yet!

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