Monday, February 17, 2014


Having scaled The McGregors' 6-foot privacy fence and bounded into their yard in order to catch himself a wabbit, the disappointment was etched on Felix's face once he discovered that his prey was just more of his neighbor's annoying statuary.
After the Stevensons stopped getting mail delivery, opting instead for a P.O. box in town, Rufus became so depressed that they tried everything, including a session at GlamourPaws to help him snap out of it, to no avail...
It always rubbed Hoss the wrong way that Angelique was treated to a day of grooming, tinting and blow-drying while he had to sit at home doing nothing, so he never hesitated to make his feelings known the moment she returned from the salon, often attempting to get rid of that shampooed and powdered scent she had as well!
As they sat their finishing their coffee, Sondra wondered just how long this beard phase was going to last with Al before she took matters into her own hands...
It confounded Myrna that Cherisse insisted on breaking out the good china simply to serve coffee and scrambled eggs, especially if she wasn't even going to dress for breakfast!
Once again, Sylvia's refusal to wear her glasses around the house nearly caused a disaster when she accidentally used drain cleaner instead of Mr. Bubble for little Leon's bath!  Fortunately, he was able to alert her to the situation almost immediately...

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