Thursday, April 18, 2019


It wasn't that she meant to be rude, but Imelda simply couldn't contain her giggles when she notice that Princess Yvonne had somehow managed to get a bacon-wrapped scallop caught in the back of her stiff coiffure!
There was no time to question their decision to wear such slick material as no-iron perma-poly as they slipped over the precipice, but if they had to go at least Helena and Irv went together...
When he saw how thrilled Ladonna was over the silver-plated goblets he got her for their anniversary, Rhett was doubly glad he'd thought to put a bottle of Manischewitz in the fridge before she got home from LuAnn's Cut 'n Curl.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I can't help but think that Ladonna is, in fact, wearing a wig, which I suspect Rhett has secretly worn on more than one occasion, complimented by one of those giant pink flowers, which suspiciously match his suit and most likely his bikini briefs, which Ladonna, oblivious to everything, thinks look rather cute on him, despite the fact that they have a laced trim, but which he believes helps to bring out his inner Loretta Lynn. In short, Ladonna is for one big surprise somewhere down the road.

Poseidon3 said...

I guess I forgot to mention that LuAnn's also does wig repair and restoration among its many services... LOL Nothing to add about Rhett and his proclivities!