Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Only a year and a half prior to The Six Million-Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman, there were The Five Million-Dollar Man and the Bionic Lady, but their batteries went out after only a few weeks as the transformation process still hadn't been perfected at that point.
Even though he was independently wealthy, Randolph was only too happy to put in two days a week as a California lifeguard, so long as he was chauffeured to the beach and disrobed by his personal valet Tad.
Veronica insisted on having Sebastian in her school photos since he had been instrumental in helping her to attain the right amount of success and popularity at Salem High... he and her book of spells, of course.
 Bonus Pic!

It was just about this time that Sebastian began to assert himself more fully, preparing for the eventual takeover of Veronica and her household.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Looks more like a lobby card from the rarely-seen movie "Bobby and Clyde" Needless to say, the movie never received a general release due to a few keys scenes that had the audience wondering "just who exactly is robbing who?"

Poseidon3 said...

I think they'd have my hands in the air pretty quick!

Shawny said...

The Bionic “Lady” - now sashay away.