Thursday, April 25, 2019


Heinrich, Erich and Johann were hell bent on proving their strength by tearing off various pieces of their military housing... until one of them picked the wrong chunk and the whole thing came tumbling down like a house of cards!
Anjanette was so driven to appear as the next centerfold in Dog Fancy magazine that she coerced her owner Margaret into taking her to the golf course for a series of provocative candids that could then be submitted to the editor...
Among the various things that both Cheryl and her boyfriend, Corporal Jesse Brown, had in common was their their love of and deep need for helmets.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Dinner guests at Cheryl and Jesse's should expect to find at least one hair in their entrée and/or soup. Fortunately, however, they are not obligated to clean the bathtub drain afterwards. Seriously, even Anjanette doesn't leave that much fur behind!!!

Poseidon3 said...

Right? Get a load of Jesse's arms even...! Cheryl was asked to use a hairnet, but all the ones in her size were in use for tuna fishing.

Shawny said...

Cheryl’s head is perfectly round like she was in an eggshell. I’m thinking of Balut...

Poseidon3 said...

Shawny, I am so, so sorry that I Google-imaged Balut....! LOLOLOL