Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Happy April Showers
from Krazy Kaptions!

In a typical moment of confusion for Lorna, she was blindfolded and instructed to play this fun baby shower game, but eventually grabbed a broom handle and began to burst what she thought was a pinata, but which was actually Cheryl Jean's beehive!
Mary Ann was initially thrilled with the gift of lingerie from her cousin Bernadette until she realized that the piece had tell-tale signs of having been taken in and looked oddly similar to the XXL nightgown that she'd given to Bern at her own shower two years prior!
All of Julie Marie's coworkers down at the Ford Transmission Plant wanted to emphasize child safety at her shower, so they got her this extra thick mattress pad for the cradle and chipped in for a car seat that came complete with a safety belt...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

For a brief second, I thought that was Carol Channing (or possibly Carol Wayne) at Mary Ann's shower. After I realized that it could not possibly be either one of them, my eyes were then drawn to the elderly shoe-dangling siren beside her, who I fear isn't wearing any underwear and, to the horror of all, may pull a Sharon-Stone-Basic-Instinct move.

Poseidon3 said...

OMG, hilarious! There's a stray foot in the first pic, too, but - sadly - not in the third one... They REALLY went all out on the decor for Mary Ann's shower... a single, lonely strand of fake blue petals strung along the dividers to the dining room. (I don't count the bouquet in Bern's hand as "decorating!")