Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Wally could make heads turn in his usual macho guise, but he found that he could positively stop traffic as Wanda after 10:00pm!
Bengt, Anneli, Anneka and Bertil had the wild notion to form a singing act and, using their first initials, go by BAAB, but were distraught upon hearing about ABBA, so they abandoned their plans in dismay...
Ensign Gerber was petrified of having to go to the bathroom during his long overnight watch period, during which he was not allowed to leave his post, so eventually he got creative under his uniform...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

It's probably for the best that BAAB didn't form, because Bengt looks kinda cute in his Speedo and probably would have dumped the band, anyway, for a solo career (and, hopefully, scoring a Tiger Beat centerfold at the same time), even though he doesn't know how to play an instrument (other than his own)...but, hey, who's complaining?

Poseidon3 said...

As you can see in the background, their music was already putting some people to sleep even then! LOL