Thursday, December 29, 2016


Although Dack and Zack were twins, Zack had a particularly harsh reaction to direct sunlight, so whenever he joined the family for daytime outings, he tended to rest in the generous shade of Grandma Clara.
Paulie was so elated at getting just the bike he'd asked Santa for that he couldn't resist taking it for a spin around the living & dining area. Fortunately, a potentially serious crash was avoided when he was buffered by his sister Adrienne's balloon, which led him as an adult to consider inventing the now-standard car airbag.
Roxie was all set for New Year's down at the Coral Cougar night spot, but because she'd gone a little heavy on the false eyelashes and mascara, she mostly had to listen to rather than observe the midnight ball drop...!
Bonus Pic: Private Bunson was getting a bit tired of taking whore's baths at the remote, ill-equipped outpost he was now stationed at, so he took an old aluminum container and fashioned himself a refreshing shower, much to his fellow soldiers' dismay (or delight, as the case may be!)


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I have a sneaky suspicion Roxie enjoys a good cocktail or five...and is probably kissing the guys way before the clock strikes 12:00.

Happy New Year, Poseidon and Armando!!! Looking forward to another year of Krazy Kaptions.

Poseidon3 said...

Right back at ya, Knuckles! Take it easy on the false eyelashes (and the highballs!) See you on the flip side - aka 2017!