Thursday, December 1, 2016


Bryan had invited Marnie over to his grandma's house, where he was living in her basement, one hour early prior to the Tesla concert so that he could propose, but on the big day, he was so zoned out he not only couldn't recall having bought the ring, but also didn't know why Marnie was there so early!
And so Eduardo and Manuel posed for their yearly brotherly photograph after having just trimmed the Christmas tree. That four and a half minutes together decorating was something they looked forward to every season...
Pecos Pete and his pal Dusty knew what sort of hard day was ahead on the open trail, so they made sure to get a full bowl of vitamin-enriched cereal down their gullets before saddling up!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Bryan looks like a cross between Peter Frampton and David Lee Roth.

Anonymous said...

Only kids would wear sombreros and ten-gallon hats while eating Froot-Loops. I'm jealous.