Friday, April 2, 2021

An Easter Surprise...! 4/2/21

Yes, Krazy Kaptions is still defunct, but I had a handful of fun Easter pics and it seemed foolish not to share them with anyone who happens along here. Take care and Happy Easter!!

Joe and Donna Marie thought Easter was fun and all, but Jerome considered it FABULOUS!

Mrs. Gosselard always hoped that her little chicks would grow up tall and strong, but unfortunately Brenda sprouted right up out of camera range!

Even though he knew better, Reggie hoped that he might find a new, slightly-longer pair of shorts in his Easter basket. Alf was happy with the candy.

Roscoe had been thrilled at the prospect of being sent out for stud... until he met the intended target of his "affection." The relationship eventually blew up in his face...

And she was never. heard from. again.

And she was never. heard from. again. either.


Dean W. said...

I just spotted this blog, and your Easter gifts are a riot! To me, the last, two pics seem like something that David Lynch might have incorporated into one of his iterations of Twin Peaks – or, in more modern parlance, maybe they could appear in Black Mirror, or Stranger Things. Frankly, I can't unsee those two, Donnie Darkoesque images, now that you've so fiendishly captioned them!

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha! Sorry 'bout that...! If you peruse this blog, you'll find everything under the sun from the creepy to the crazy to the sexy to the silly. It was a big treat for me to dig up these pics and feature them for quite a few years, but thanks to the ungodly workload that fell upon me from COVID19, I had to step away. Thanks for commenting!!

Dean W. said...

I hope you didn't think I was being critical.....I ENJOYED the whole, Donnie Darkoesque-ness of it all :>)