Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Fort Beaton prided itself on its stringent, exceptionally harsh regulations and punishments.  The trouble was, Private Ernie Massokyst actually LIKED it!
Her decoy firmly in place, Rosamund knew that she would never again have to suffer through a lunch of hominy and stewed cauliflower and promptly hitched a ride to the nearest burger joint.
Now that Twyla and Rhonda Jean had collaborated on hurling the flaming paper bag of doggie doo into Mr. Pinkerman's yard, they had a feeling it would be a long time before he would again gripe to their father about stray volleyballs and paper airplanes on his property.
Ramona was in her glory, but Trish had quite obviously had her fill of "historic" Colonial Stringtown...
Carol Sue and Lynda had left nothing to chance, from their costumes to their hairstyling, in preparing to win first place in the Copperfield County Magic Fair.
After a little help from Mom with just two more coats of Light Egyptian body makeup, Betty Lynn would at last be ready to audition for Anita in the Boggle Creek Players production of "West Side Story."


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I don't know from where you manage to secure these retro photos...but I have stumbled across so many AMAZING ones as I've been scanning through the older postings.

At times, I'm jealous that they aren't part of my family albums...then, at other times, am so grateful that they aren't!

Poseidon3 said...

:-) Despite my often snarky comments about these photos, I actually find nearly all of them completely charming and fascinating. I just like to apply my twisted sense of humor to the ostensibly benign situations. I'm glad you are enjoying looking at them because they really are a wonderful record of life in the past! Thanks!