Tuesday, February 16, 2016


During a particularly enthusiastic viewing of the annual Miss Universe Pageant, Rowena couldn't help herself from screaming at the TV for Miss Portugal to loosen up and wear her evening gown "off the shoulder" if she had any intention of winning!
Princess Meghan of Denmark inspired many people during her many goodwill tours of foreign nations, but did find Transylvania to be rather unsettling. She was also unsure if her only escort, a diminutive air force flyer, was going to be enough in the way of security.
Minh Thu fell deeply in love with Sergeant Ronald Kelly and returned to America with him for what was supposed to be a lifetime of wedded bliss. However, when - after nearly twenty years of marriage - he suddenly decided to give up his stripes and live life more frequently as Pickles the Clown, a mild sense of dread began to seep in...

1 comment:

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Pickles look like a cross between Harpo Marx and Al Jolson!

#@$*&! clowns...I hate 'em all.