Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Although with a surprising fourteen entrants for the charity bachelorette auction, the North Avenue Elks were seeing more quantity than in the previous three years, the caliber of the gals had dipped somewhat with a total take of only $53.78. Thus, several of the group's leaders were hoping for prettier auctionees next time which might lead to higher bids overall...
Bernard thought he was disappointed with the much-heralded Cotton Blossom, but that wound up being nothing compared to how let down he was by the rickety iron railing that lined the levee!
This was Eileen's very first trip to the Dick E. Fallick Botanical Gardens and her curiosity about their unusual woods, stems and growths darn near got the best of her until an attendant had to remind her to stay behind the guard rail.


Anonymous said...

Woods, stems, and growths? Eileen is now hyperventilating!

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I had to enlarge the photo to fully take in (and truly appreciate) the North Avenue Elks at their sexiest.

Despite that Back Row #4 looks a little like the Queen of England, my top three are as follows:

2nd Runner-Up, Miss White Sunglasses with White Gloves

1st Runner-Up, Miss Tennis Pro

and the Belle of the Ball...

Miss Gold Lame Pants with Mink Stole and White Gloves

Note to self: Hmm! Beginning to think I might have a penchant for white gloves!

Poseidon3 said...

Armando, Eileen had a simultaneously rough/unforgettably scintillating day! LOL

Knuckles, to think that maybe just some profound facial hair issues kept Kris (front row in the black swimsuit) from placing..... ?