Thursday, February 11, 2016


Cliff knew that if he went off with the gang to Lake Manly, California for the weekend, he'd never pass his astrophysics exam on Monday, but he then got the bright idea to sequester himself in the cabin and devote the hours of 1:00am - 3:00am to private study time...
Raymond and Sylvia felt a sense of accomplishment during their 40th anniversary party, but after Sylvia's fourth sidecar and the resultant tales she told from their long marriage, Raymond wasn't entirely sure there was going to be a 41st!
It hadn't been such a bad weekend at Aunt Lily's, though there was definitely some tension left in the air from when Jason played Hide & Go Teeth with Lily's dentures and then couldn't find them again! Fortunately, she had an early Monday appointment with Dr. Gummelman.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I suspect that Sylvia has been the life-of-the-party on more than one occasion!

Poseidon3 said...

She reminds me most of Bette Davis the night she croaked out the name "Paauuul Newwwmaaaann!" at the Oscar ceremony when he won for The Color of Money!